Friday, January 16, 2015

The Maze Runner blog #2

The main character is Thomas and a new character is introduced his name is Max. He was bitten by one of the grievers. A griever looks like a slug that went terribly wrong in a science experiment. It has metal body parts that can kill you under thirty seconds. If you can get back to the glade you survive with the serum they made for it. After Max took the serum he wanted to kill Thomas. It was unusual that that happened. Alby saved Thomas from Max. Later the keepers who tell the runners what to do threw Max out of the glade to die. This happened in the future three to four days after Thomas arrived. Right now Thomas and Alby are trapped in the maze trying to climb up the vines to get back into the glade. This happened because Alby was injured and Thomas ran out to the maze to help him get back. But Thomas broke the number one rule never run into the maze before sunset. This happened because Alby's injury was pretty bad.

The conflict is a Man VS Man and a Man VS survival situation. Now Thomas is trying to carry Alby up the wall to get him into the glade while being attacked by a griever. The other part of the conflict is Man VS survival. Thomas needs to get back into the glade with Alby before his injuries become to great and he will die. Here evidence "He turned and face Alby still propped against the stone wall now only a mound of shadow in the darkness kneeling on the ground Thomas felt Alby's neck then searched for a pulse. Something's there he listened at his chest like Minho had done."

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy,
    This summary was written well and I could clearly understand what happened from the last time you read. Please provide evidence to support the conflict in the book. What else are they doing each day to survive? Food? Shelter? Don't just use the information from that part of the book, but use EVERYTHING you know about the boys living there. Keep working hard Jeremy!
